The workshops are scheduled based on the needs and availability of your team. Get started with a free consultation to make sure you get the CEP Coach that is the best for your team. Together we will personalize the workshop(s) to address the unique needs of your team and optimize the impact on each player.

CEP Team Workshops will help your team:

  • Overcome Self-Doubt, Fear of Failure, & Overthinking

  • Stop Worrying About What Other People Think & Play with Confidence

  • Channel their Nerves, Block Out Distractions & Focus on What they Can Control

  • Bounce Back from Mistakes & Be Relentless In Your Pursuit of Peak Performance

  • Communicate Effectively, Develop Leaders, & Create a Championship Culture

Mindset First Workshop

A New Way for Athletes, Coaches, and Parents to Approach Sports & Life

Today’s athletes are surrounded by constant comparisons, expectations, and pressures to perform. As such, many athletes struggle with overthinking, self-doubt, and performance anxiety. These challenges don’t stop in sport, they carry into any area of life where being at your best matters.

Fluffy and cookie-cutter advice like “be positive,” “don’t worry about it,” and “just be confident” doesn’t work. These might be the mental states you are trying to achieve, but they are not the ‘how to’.

It’s time to flip our approach to sport — this applies to athletes, coaches, and even parents.

Instead of focusing all of our energy on what we want to achieve, we need to prioritize who we want to be and how we want to show up. By ‘slowing down’ and gaining clarity on your inner world, you get grounded, centered, and ready to tackle the outer world.

This new approach is all about taking control and being Mindset First.

This is the approach we use when coaching professional athletes to show up at their best day-in and day-out. And in this insightful and interactive 60 min workshop, a CEP coach pulls back the curtain and shares the four fundamental strategies (diagram below) so you can break free from the weight of results, play with confidence, and perform when it matters most.

*This is the main workshop we deliver. If a team want’s the 4 part workshop series, then this is still the first workshop.

Example Mindset First Workshop

4 Part Workshop Series

These interactive workshops will be tailored to meet the needs of your team.

Full description above.

Athletes learn how to think differently about the mental game and how to build the 4 fundamental strategies of the CEP Mindset System. They will also kick start their alter ego and reset routine strategies.

The 4 Fundamental Strategies:

  1. Alter Ego – This strategy is at the core of the 4 fundamental strategies. It helps athletes define & contrast their best mindset that is in the Zone from their worst mindset – being in their own head.
  2. Reset Routine – One of the most impactful strategies utilized during practices and games to clear their mind & activate their best self Alter Ego.
  3. Personal Scorecard – Mostly athletes beat themselves up and have an ineffective reflection process. To counter this limitation, this strategy is used after practices and games to improve self-awareness and ensure consistent growth.
  4. Mental Preparation – The final of the 4 fundamental strategies helps athletes set clear intentions & ensure they show up as their best self.

These later 3 strategies create a continuous Prepare-Play-Reflect Process that maximizes the athletes ability to show up as their best self.

Learn how to overcome self-doubt and play with swagger all-season long. Stop relying on external factors to fuel your confidence. Instead, build your self-image and own your capabilities for good. As well as create the habits for sustainable and unshakeable confidence. Time is dedicated to following-up and refining the alter ego and reset routine strategies – including adding in the use of a totem. New exercises covered include:

  • EA Games Capabilities Ranking
  • Own Your Greatness
  • Personal Scorecard

Learn how to bounce back from mistakes and be resilient in the face of adversity. Clear any mental blocks around the fear of failure and gain the perspective to be unphased by mistakes and setbacks. Develop persistence, adaptability, and the of building your own momentum. New exercises covered include:

  • Own your Story and Collapse Fantasies & Nightmares
  • Plan to Cope with Pressure, Distractions & Adversity
  • Start your Imagery Script Worksheet