The 1-on-1 coaching sessions are in person, on zoom, or via phone and they are schedule based on your needs and availability. You start with a free 1-on-1 intro session that typically lasts 1 to 2 hours, then the rollout of your programs is personalized to optimize your results – common variations include:

  • Heavy up front (make as much progress as quickly as possible), then keep it light and check-in as needed
  • Build up the foundation within first 3-5 weeks, then regular check-ins for maintenance and continued growth
  • Short but frequent touch points to meet the needs of an unpredictable and busy career

1-on-1 Coaching Will Help You:

  • Overcome Self-Doubt, Fear of Failure, & Overthinking

  • Stop Worrying About What Other People Think & Act with Confidence

  • Manage Your Thoughts, Emotions, & Nerves

  • Block Out Distractions & Focus on What You Can Control

  • Bounce Back from Mistakes & Be Relentless In Your Pursuit of Peak Performance

At CEP, our purpose is to help you excel in both your professional and personal life.

In order to do that, you need to develop an elite mindset.

The problem is, like most high-performing executives & professionals, you are facing an overwhelming stream of challenges that continuously evolve & grow.

This can be frustrating & stressful because you work so hard to be successful, but you struggle to feel consistently in control, centered, and/or confident.

We understand that working on your mindset can be difficult confusing, & time-consuming to do on your own.

That is why the CEP System has 3 simple steps that have helped 10,000’s of high-performing executives, professionals, and athletes develop an elite mindset:

When you join our programs, you will stop feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, & stressed, & start consistently excelling in both your professional & personal life.

You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint – and in the same manner you shouldn’t work on your mental game without first knowing what to work on.

The CEP assessment breaks down your mindset into the 7 Mental Skills that you need to develop in order to build a strong foundation and win the mental game.

This breakdown not only helps us determine which mental skills to prioritize in your program, but also ensures we keep you accountable to making progress.

Now that you can see what you will be working on, let us show you HOW you will work on it.