Elite runners, swimmers, and bikers require significant mental fortitude to stay relaxed yet focused on race day. As you rise the ranks, the degree of athleticism and skill between competitors becomes smaller.

Those that invest the time and energy into mental preparation, relentlessly focus on what they can control, and consistently show up with confidence in their abilities have a significant competitive advantage.

But many racers get caught up with the inner noise – overly comparing to others, trying to predict results, or worrying about what others think. They end up inconsistent in their race strategy, doubting their abilities, and holding themselves back from performing at their capabilities.

We work with Runners, Swimmers, and Bikers to improve their mental preparation and consistently show up with confidence. Here are the most common situations we help them with:

The Problem

A lot of racers feel the nerves before the race even starts. They put unrealistic pressure on their self to have a perfect race, set a personal best, or achieve a desired result (i.e., win or improve ranking). They want to achieve the result so bad that they can’t stop thinking about it – they start worrying, tensing up, losing confidence, & overthinking. Which makes it harder to perform at their capabilities and often leads to a downward spiral in performance.

How We Help

We help them channel their nerves, manage their expectations, and give them the perspective to stay calm & confident on race day. Nerves are just a form of energy that they need to learn to embrace and channel toward the process. Having high expectations for results is not inherently bad but they need to be able to manage those expectations instead of causing unrealistic goals and unnecessary pressure. We help them let go of worrying about the results. They can care but they don’t have to worry. We get them to reconnect to the love of the sport so they can relax and just trust their training. Once they get back into this mental state – they stop trying to force it and let it happen. Then the results start to come.

The Problem

Our society generally teaches people to tie their confidence to results. So racers start struggling with confidence if they are not achieving their goals, progressing, or performing well relative to their peers. But this lack of confidence then causes inconsistent effort, hesitation in their race plan, and continued under performance. Which only furthers a downward spiral in confidence and performance.

How We Help

We help them own their capabilities and develop a mentality that wants to thrive, grow, and give their best effort on race day. Instead of tying their confidence to results, they start to focus on what they are actually capable of and the work they have put in. They learn to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks and start prioritizing their own self-image. They understand that believing in themselves is a choice that they can make everyday. It is not about ignoring feedback from others or being delusional about their capabilities. Rather, it is about choosing to be the hero of their own story, owning their greatness, and developing an unshakeable confidence in themselves.

The Problem

Specifically in medium to longer endurance events, the attack mindset that is willing to push the pace is crucial to performance. But racers often get afraid of hitting the wall or running out of gas, so they don’t push the pace, come out more tentative, and hold themselves back. This is problematic on race day, but it can also show up during training. They start to doubt their ability to push through the pain and they end up spending too much time in the comfort zone.

How We Help

We help them develop an attack mindset that embraces the discomfort of pushing the pace. It is not able becoming reckless but rather developing the clarity to execute their race plan, attack at the right moments, and be confident in their abilities. Instead of looking at race days as a threat they could fail, they are excited for the challenge to push themselves. They develop a thorough race plan that is personalized to them with well defined characteristics to lean into for each section of the race. The result is they are able to get back to enjoying their sport, pushing the pace, and performing at their capabilities.

At CEP, our purpose is to help you achieve Consistent Elite Performance.

In order to do that, you need to spend more time in the ZONE.

The problem is, like most swimmers, bikers, & runners, you spend too much time in your own head.

This can be frustrating and discouraging because you have put in all this work to develop your physical abilities, but your mindset is causing you to underperform.

We understand that working on your mindset can be difficult and confusing.

That is why the CEP System has 3 simple steps that have helped 10,000’s of athletes get in the ZONE:

When you join our programs, you will stop spending so much time in your own head and start achieving Consistent Elite Performance.

You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint – and in the same manner you shouldn’t work on your mental game without first knowing what to work on.

The CEP assessment breaks down your mindset into the 7 Mental Skills that you need to develop in order to build a strong foundation and win the mental game.

This breakdown not only helps us determine which mental skills to prioritize in your program, but also ensures we keep you accountable to making progress.