Coach Sara had a session with an athlete recently and received some pretty amazing feedback on their session:

“This really changes everything for me.”

Here is what they covered:

Who is your most important coach?

Athletes answer this question by reminiscing on either their first coach or the coach that helped them have their big breakthrough.

But at the end of the day, the most important coach is yourself.

Nobody spends more time with you than yourself. Nobody hears your words more than yourself. That also means nobody’s words have more of an impact on you than your own.

A great question to ask yourself daily is:

“How do I want to coach myself today?”

Will you be encouraging with a healthy amount of support and challenge? Or will you be too critical and beat yourself up?

The choice is yours. Remember you are your most important coach!

Make sure to watch the full video for the complete breakdown by Coach Sara.

Please share this with anyone you think would be interested.