The “Mindset First” Workshop is our main workshop, which is about a new way for athletes, coaches, and parents to approach life and sports.

Click here if you want to learn more about our workshops.

Here’s the video of the workshop, with the description below:

Today’s athletes are surrounded by constant comparisons, expectations, and pressures to perform. As such, many athletes struggle with overthinking, self-doubt, and performance anxiety. These challenges don’t stop in sport, they carry into any area of life where being at your best matters.

The default approach is to focus on climbing the ladder, receiving praise, and achieving personal results. Unfortunately, as the stakes get bigger, the pressures and expectations only get worse.

Fluffy and cookie-cutter advice like “be positive,” “don’t worry about it,” and “just be confident” doesn’t work. These might be the mental states you are trying to achieve, but they are not the ‘how to’.

Maybe it’s time to flip our approach — this applies to athletes, coaches, and even parents.

Instead of focusing all of our energy on what we want to achieve, we need to prioritize who we want to be and how we want to show up. By ‘slowing down’ and gaining clarity on your inner world, you get grounded, centered, and ready to tackle the outer world.

This new approach is all about taking control and being Mindset First.

This is the approach professional athletes use to consistently get in the flow state and achieve peak performance. And it is exactly how you can break free from the weight of results, play with confidence, and perform when it matters most.

In this insightful and interactive 60 min workshop, a CEP Coach pulls back the curtain and shares the four fundamental strategies we use when coaching professional athletes, surgeons, hedge fund managers, and CEO’s to show up at the best day-in and day-out.

You will learn why ‘Acceptance’ is a superpower that professional athletes use to maximize their commitment to the process. You will learn the strategy Kobe used to take control of his inner-self talk and bring out the best version of him – aka the Black Mamba.

What about surgeons… Have you ever wondered how they handle the pressures of a life or death surgery? Or how they respond when unforeseen complications and adversities arise? Here’s a clue — they challenge the status quo and think differently about success and failure.

It’s time for you to flip your approach, be Mindset First, and achieve Consistent Elite Performance.